Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What will be, will be~^^

I have decided not to let things get to me~^^ So the horoscope I asked for says great things can happen this year, so long as I don't miss my opportunity.. Well! If I miss it, I miss it. I won't let fear dominate my life. I will continue on with my plans as they are and keep moving forward. It's all I can do~ Worrying about something I have no control over is simply a waste of time. If I worry about it, then I won't be able to relax and be myself. If I am unable to be myself, then things will be even worse.

So! I'm not going to let it bother me~ I decided I'd pay the fee just to see what else the analyst has to say about my horoscope, but that I won't let the horoscope control my actions or how I think & feel. Besides! One can never take a horoscope too seriously as they are not always accurate and it certainly is not an exact science. So, I'm just going to take it at face value and not take it literally~ (-^_^-) v

Monday, January 23, 2012

A possible wrench in my plans?

I just got a partial astrological reading from a horoscope specialist that was in depth enough to make me worry, but vague enough to make me want to pay to know more. Apparently, the huge event that I've been feeling is supposed to happen before the end of March; which to be honest was my original notion but I had thought to push it back a bit to give myself more space for error. The event will involve meeting someone very important to my career and for my love life.

This person and chance meeting will only happen if I am in the right place at the right time, which the analyst has promised to walk me through step-by-step if I am willing to pay her a fee of $60. Normally, I would just scoff at that and forget it.. but the rest of what was written was so accurate and eerily foreboding that I am worried about missing out on this chance. I know I've missed out on opportunities in the past because I didn't trust my instincts decisively and my instincts now are telling me to pay the person to get my full reading. But I fear that I may miss my opportunity, even if I do pay.. or that I'm chancing making a mistake in trusting them too much and walking away from my current plans. *sigh*

I haven't been able to sleep at all since the new year started.. I have been anxious and restless this whole time, feeling this ominous feeling that I'm about to miss a very important opportunity that will change my life forever.. I have been searching in vain for a week for some sort of guidance through astrological readings.. but now that I've finally found my answer, I'm terrified about making a mistake! I'm so scared that I may end up falling off the right path again that I almost don't want to know.. yet I'm desperate to know at the same time!

And yet... as I listen to my music and close my eyes.. I know that this is the right thing to do and that I should trust in this person's reading for it will be the truth & I will know it, because I have already had the feeling in my heart for some time. The person even said that in the 7 page reading they've already given me; that I have been aware and conscious of the coming change for some time. They mentioned exact years when certain things happened to me, my lucky number, and more. They mentioned thing about me that they couldn't have possibly known without having some sort of keen 6th sense. I am tempted to post the intro reading here... but I will keep it to myself.

For now.. I guess.. I will trust the analyst. For even when the money was mentioned I thought, "It makes sense to charge that kind of price for the amount of information they are offering me and the amount of time it will take for them to complete a more thorough reading." Well.. if all goes well.. it'll be $60 well spent~ If not.. it will simply be a lesson learned for the future.. At least the money will get me some valuable information in the form of 2 books to help me improve my own psychic abilities~^^

My plans for the coming yrs~

Ok~^^ As I mentioned in my last post, I wish to buy my own ship and take to the sea~ but I can't do that immediately.. First, I have to finish my current contract with the school here in South Korea. I also have to save up money during my time here in order to be able to afford said ship. But the most important set back is the fact that I have absolutely no experience whatsoever of ever sailing a boat, much less being on a boat in the open ocean. So, once I get back to the states, I will have to gain a lot of experience before I can finally set out on my own.

So! While I'm finishing up my contract, I will be studying everything I can about sailing from books and the internet in order to at least have the theory down before I even step aboard a vessel. Then, as soon as I get back, I will begin volunteering to crew sailing vessels in order to gain experience. Luckily, my mother lives on the coast, so I will have easy access to plenty of ships along the docks there. Meanwhile, I will still have to continue working at least part-time in order to pay off the student loans and save more money for my my own vessel. I have decided to work a couple seasonal positions with the USFS or USPS along the coast somewhere so that I can make GOOD money & still have access to the sea in order to gain sailing experience on my days off.

I have looked into the market now and it seems I can get a very decent vessel for a very good price; approximately $10,000 - $15,000 depending on overall size and build. I have already picked out the style of ship I wish to have and that's a gaff-rigged ketch of approximately 40ft in length on deck. I also wish for her to be built of wood, like the classic sailing ships of the past. Also, wood is much easier to work with for me as I have experience in that area. I have some designs I've made for modifications I'd like to make to my vessel before setting sail, so I will be working on those as well.

I will take about 1 or 2 years to gain experience, save up money, modify my ship, and make goods to sell in the ports I anchor in while sailing. I also planned to gain my concealed weapons permit for my pistol and a weapons permit for my sword, so that I can carry them legally aboard my ship for self-defense/protection. Sailing can be dangerous and you never know what characters you might face upon the sea.. I do hope to make friends within the sailing realm as well, so that I can put together a good crew of people I trust for when I finally decide to set sail. Sailing can be VERY dangerous and I don't want to leave anything to chance! So, I want to make sure everyone on my crew is experienced and has their sailing license before we ever set sail.

The goods I plan on offering shall be my handmade crafts; teddy bears, jewelry, clothing, photography, among others. I also plan on offering services via my ship such as delivery, transport, day cruises, rescue, salvage, & repair. I will also pick up goods in rural ports around the world to sell in other countries so as to make a little extra income on wares I can't provide myself. I'd also catch and trade fish in ports for supplies or cash which is a very lucrative and relatively simple task, so long as I have the means to accomplish such a task. There are SO many options for making money while sailing~^^

Those are my basic plans so far. I have already learned about the parts of a ship, a few rules about sailing, and how to tie some important knots that are commonly used on sailing vessels. I've even begun to put together my own little journal, so I can keep clear, concise notes on all I learn. Considering it's only been about a week and a half since I came up with this entire scheme.. I think I'm doing a pretty decent job getting things done~^^ I even have a decent amount of money already put away for my ship! Which I'm naming Sunny Freedom, by the way.. since FREEDOM is what she is~ & Sunny because I know that every single day aboard my own ship will be the happiest days of my life and every day will feel as if it's filled with brilliant sunshine, even in the worst storms & pouring rain~

A life of freedom & adventure? HERE I COME!!! :D

A little about me..

I am an average girl, by the name Ashley Fox, who grew up in America and I have been through a lot. My life wasn’t easy.. I had to fight for everything I have and I learned a lot because of that. 
The one thing I had going for me was my stubborn tenacity to never give up once I’d decided on doing something. The more anyone would tell me something wasn’t possible or looked down on me, the more I wanted to prove them wrong. That stubbornness put me through a lot of hell.. but it also made me strong. I always knew that God would never give me more than what I could handle and that EVERYTHING, big or small, good or bad, happened for a reason. Even the people you meet, you meet for a reason. Also, everything happens when it is meant to happen and not a moment sooner. But I’m more than just a pessimistic believer that fate controls everything. You can direct your own path through fate. The choices you make take you down certain pathways through the multitude of paths that fate can place before you. And that is EXACTLY what I chose to do.
I decided that there were certain things I wanted to do and accomplish in life & I did them! No matter how crazy people might think I am or how impossible situations may seem, I ALWAYS do what I set out to do. I never let anyone hold me back from the moment I moved out of my parents’ house at 17 to go to college. I come from a low income family and we didn’t have much, so I was forced to put myself through college with student loans. No one actually believed I could do it because I lacked the funds, but I did. And not just once~ BUT TWICE! I graduated from Florida State University in 2007 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Geography & again in 2010 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Geology.
After that I decided I wanted to go to Korea to live and work. I have wanted to live and work in Asia since I was 16 years old. Several people thought I was crazy and couldn’t understand why I would want to do such a thing, but I didn’t care. I had decided I would do it and I did. I am currently in my 2nd year of teaching at a small private school, here in South Korea. I chose Korea because I felt I owed the country a great debt. Namely, five South Koreans who saved me from a horrible fate. As I said, my life wasn’t an easy one.. and a couple years ago I didn’t even have the will to live anymore. Suffering from chronic depression from the age of 12 to the age of 25 can do a number on any person.. and I was at the end of my rope.
I was near suicidal when I happened upon some music from a band called Tohoshinki in Japan while searching for a song on playlist.com. It was purely a coincidence.. but that coincidence saved me from making the worst mistake I could have ever made. With just one of their songs, they turned my entire life around, changed my entire perspective, and blasted away every last ounce of pain, sadness, and depression I had ever suffered from in my entire life. In simply listening to a single song, their song Love in the Ice, my entire outlook on life did a complete 180 & my life has never been the same since. I found out about a month later that they were actually a South Korean band called Dong Bang Shin Ki who just happened to also sing in Japan and thus decided to come live & work in the country that had created such amazing, life-saving stars as them.
Thanks to them and my own unwillingness to just give up and let the world take over my life. I have been able to accomplish so many things and I have never been so happy in my entire life! I currently have another year of work here in Korea, but after that’s through I have decided to fulfill yet another dream of mine. A dream that I had once given up on as impossible since I was still trapped within the bonds of education and childhood. The one thing I have wanted most in life, besides finding my one true love, is to live a life of freedom and adventure~ But finding such a life can be near impossible this day and age where technology has made the world seem so much smaller than it actually is. However, there is still some adventure out there! You just have to know where to look~ ;)
& I believe I have found my avenue of adventure upon the sea! :D I plan on saving up every penny I can while I finish out this year in Korea and then buying myself a ship. Nothing too fancy or expensive~ Just a simple gaff-rigged ketch with room enough for about 4 people to crew her. With her, I plan on sailing the world’s oceans~ Traveling from country to country, selling my wares, handmade goods, & sailing services. I have always been an artist and I am very passionate about making things, so combining my passion with my dream of freedom & adventure is like accomplishing almost everything I have ever wanted to do in life in one fell swoop! Now, all I’d need to do is find my one true love and my life would be 100% complete~^^
One thing that this life has taught me and one thing I have noticed in the world around me is that there are SO many people out there with dreams of their own.. who wind up giving up on them because they feel trapped or don’t know how to go about achieving them. That is one thing I wish to change! Because of this, I support anyone and everyone I know in their dreams and do everything I can to help them achieve it! Or at least point them in the right direction~ A lot of the time.. all a person needs is for someone to believe in them and tell them its alright to follow their dreams for them to stand up and do just that. ^^ I hope I can be that person who helps them~ Whether through reading my stories, anecdotes, or through personal contact and motivation.. I hope I can help others lead a life of hopes, dreams, & happiness~ Yes~ Even YOU! ;) All you have to do is contact me & will see what I can do to help~