Thursday, February 2, 2012

Forming the plan to be on the right track~

Alright~ What the astrologist had to say will have no negative affects on my life so long as I keep my head and continue working hard for my goals. I have now formulated a basic plan on how to get started in all this. My basic idea:

Start my own business selling my art & providing sailing services from my own sailboat. While running this business, I hope to sail the world and see all there is to see, visit all the places I have longed to visit, & maybe even help others fulfill their dreams along the way~

Step one: Save up money to get the sailboat.. I have already begun and hope to have a substantial amount by the end of my current contract in South Korea which ends on Jan 5th, 2013. If I still need more, then I will find myself a job in Florida, near my family, working with the park or forest service and continue to save while keeping an eye out for my ship-to-be.

Step two: Begin making & stock piling my handmade crafts for sale. I plan on selling handmade stuffed animals, jewelry, clothes, pillows, bags, etc. as well as photography & paintings.

Step three: Get that sailing experience! I want at least 1 full year of experience before I start sailing on my own. I also want to gain my Captain's License and other permits needed to make this whole endeavor as safe as possible.

Step four: Once I find the right boat and I have the money.. BUY MY SHIP! I'm looking to purchase a 35ft - 50ft gaff-rigged ketch with a wood hull and a broad beam for good stability out on the open seas. Once I find my ship I will then make any modifications I wish to make on her before finally setting sail. If I can't find a decent boat within a year or so, then I shall build my own.^^

Step five: Get myself a good crew of about 2 or 3 nakama who wish to sail with me around the world. They need to be experienced in sailing and strong. Whatever dreams they may have themselves is fine~ If I can help them achieve those dreams by having them among my crew, then I will gladly welcome them aboard! ^^

Step six: Practice runs. Once I have the crew, I will need to put them through a few practice runs to make sure we can all work together before making any major treks across oceans. So, I will make a run around the Caribbean, then up the east coast towards New York. I will take about 2 months doing this and if we make it through without too many complaints or complications, then we will prepare for our first voyage across the Atlantic~ ^^

After that~  The sky's the limit! :D These plans may take about 4 yrs to come into fruition and see us sailing across the Atlantic on the first leg of our world tour.. but it will ALL be MORE than worth it! If anyone out there wishes to join me in this, feel free to contact me anytime at & we can see about working things out~ ^^

Keep checking back for more posts! :D

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