Saturday, July 7, 2012

Self-Defense on the ship..

I'm no naive little girl here.. I know that what I'm wanting to do will be quite dangerous. The world isn't a very safe place anymore.. Especially for Americans and little women like me. SO I am not going out there unarmed nor unprepared. I already have a small arsenal I'm putting together for defense on and off the ship~

I am going to obtain my concealed weapons permit and carry a small pistol on my person at all times. I also just ordered two very nice close-combat trench knives to carry as well. On the ship, I will have my katana and possibly a rifle.. depending on whether or not I can find a rifle at a decent price. This is just for myself...

Some of my crew may carry weapons of their own. I know one of my members is pretty decent with a compound bow and has his own knife collection. The others.. I'm not sure..... But I will suggest that they also have something for self-defense as well. 

There are places in the world where pirates roam and an American ship will be a probable target for many of them as they assume Americans have money and many of them hate Americans. Of course, I am in no way going to fly an American flag on my ship! That'd be like flying a huge target over my ship and screaming KILL ME, PLEASE!!! Not only that.. half my crew so far is from other countries~ I'm not going to fly a country flag when we are all from different countries. No. I'm simply going to fly our own flag and no other.

If anyone should be brash enough to attack us or our ship, they had better be prepared for us to fight back. None of them thugs out there better take us lightly... or else they WILL get burned! No one is going to hurt myself or my crew and get away with it! If they even dare try.. they're going to have to answer to ME!!! >:(

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